Northern Light Acadia Hospital
The primary mission of Northern Light Acadia Hospital and Acadia Healthcare is to empower people to improve their lives. Acadia Hospital is a non-profit acute care psychiatric hospital offering many different services. Acadia Healthcare, a subsidiary of the hospital, provides a variety of community-based mental health and substance use disorder services. Location Bangor, ME
Northern Light Acadia Hospital is a behavioral healthcare provider, major employer, and community health partner. Our purpose is to provide personalized, compassionate care. We are proud of our role in advancing mental health and wellness in our community and the partnerships we maintain with local businesses, educational institutions, and community health organizations. Acadia serves every county in Maine. Sixty-seven percent of all admissions come from outside of Penobscot County. Leadership Richard Rosen, chair, Northern Light Acadia Board of Trustees New hospital president unknown at time of printing
Get to know Northern Light Acadia Hospital * 770 Employees
Northern Light Acadia Hospital is governed by a volunteer board of trustees who live and work in our communities. Northern Light Acadia Hospital services • Acute care beds - Child/adolescent inpatient services - Adult inpatient services • Adult intensive outpatient program • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) pain management program • Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) • Outpatient clinic providing consultation, therapy, and
Outpatient Encounters 229,650
100 Licensed Beds
medication management • Eating disorder services • Outpatient geriatric mental health and neuropsychiatry program • Pediatric day treatment program • Tele-psychiatry consultation services • Teletherapy at home
1,370 Admissions
71 Medical Providers
3 Care Locations
*2022 fiscal year data
12 Northern Light Health Careers Guide
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