After Your Surgery
Follow-Up Visits After your surgery, your surgeon will schedule regular follow-up visits to assess for signs of wear or any other problems with your new knee. You should call your doctor’s office immediately if:
• You have moderate or severe pain that requires medication
Your knee or calf becomes red or swollen
• Any episodes or falls when you are no longer able to put weight on your replaced knee
• Have numbness or loss or change of feeling in your legs or toes
• Experience redness, swelling, warmth, unpleasant odor, or liquid coming from your incision (surgical wound) or joint
After Surgery
Before Surgery
Day 1
Day 2
Nothing to Eat or Drink after midnight
Clear liquids as tolerated
Regular Diet
Regular Diet
Regular Diet
Get out of bed, turn every 2 hours, Use CPM Machine, Incentive Spirometer, Walk with assistance IV/Oral Pain Meds, Laxative as needed, blood thinning meds
PT and OT, Up in chair for all meals, walk in the hall with assistance, training on stairs and cars
Perform exercises from guidebook and attend pre-op education class
Do your exercises, walk several times a day for short distances
PT and OT, Up in chair, knee exercises, walking
Activity or Therapy
Get discharge perscriptions including pain meds
Pain Meds, Laxative as needed
Regular Meds, stop meds as directed by your doctor
Pain Meds before therapy, laxative as needed
Pain Meds and Other Meds
Shower the night before and morning of surgery
Help with bathing, catheter removed
Bathe yourself, change bandage
Shower when cleared by doctor
Catheter placed during surgery
Finalize plan with doctor and care manager, prepare home
Discuss with doctor and care manager
Return home or to a skilled rehab
Discharge Plan Discuss with doctor
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