
After Your Surgery

Hip Precautions One risk of hip replacement surgery is hip dislocation (the ball of the hip popping out of the socket). This risk is greater right after surgery when you are regaining strength and coordination. You can minimize the risk by avoiding excessive hip flexion and internal rotation. What positions should be avoided? Crossing your legs - You should not cross your legs or ankles after hip replacement surgery. Your occupational therapist will instruct you on how to safely get dressed. You should sleep with a pillow between your legs to prevent them from crossing. Forward Bending - It is important not to bend your hip up more than 90 degrees. In general, if your knee is below your hip joint, you are in a safe position. Problems occur with deep cushioned or low seats (such as toilets & recliners). Rolling Your Leg Inward - Do not let your operated leg roll inward. It is important to work with your physical therapist and occupational therapist to learn the proper ways to get dressed, sit down, walk, and perform other routine activities. Do’s and Don’ts for the Rest of Your Life People who have had joint replacement surgery need to have a regular exercise program to maintain their fitness and the health of the muscles around their joints. You should be on a regular exercise program three to four times per week lasting 20 – 30 minutes. High impact activities such as running and singles tennis may put too much load on the joint and are generally not recommended. After your Discharge You will be on anticoagulation (blood-thinning medications) during your hospital stay and usually for 10 days after surgery. After your anticoagulation medication has stopped, you may be prescribed one aspirin tablet (325 mg) twice a day. What to do for Exercise • Choose low impact activities such as golf, bowling, walking, gardening, swimming and dancing • Home program as discussed by your physical therapist • Regular one to three mile walks • Stationary bike • Regular exercise at a fitness center

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