COVID Chronicle June 2021

Mass Vaccination: The Fast Track to Herd Immunity While we’re not there yet, the state of Maine’s mass vaccination efforts, launched in early January, have our state well on the way. As of June 17, 2021, more than 62% of eligible Mainers had received at least their first vaccine . After months of preparation, Northern Light Health was ready to step up and lead the opening of nine large scale vaccination sites around the state, designed to get community members in, informed, vaccinated, and on their way in 30 minutes or less. As this report was being finalized Northern Light Health launched a plan to scale back and ultimately close the large-scale vaccination sites, such as the one at Cross Insurance Center in Bangor. It was time to meet people where they are or otherwise make it easy for them to get vaccinated. Community and school pop-up clinics were launched to meet this need.

Total Doses 1-24 25-99

100-999 1,000-9,999 10,000+

Northern Light Health staff organize supplies while setting up a mass vaccination site at the Cross Insurance Center in Bangor.

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A student from the University of Southern Maine School of Nursing vaccinates a community member at the large scale vaccination site in South Portland managed by Northern Light Home Care & Hospice.

Source: Cerner | Data as of: 6/17/21 Note: Cerner data does not include Northern Light Medical Transport and Northern Light Home Care & Hospice


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