CEO 6 Month Report
To the Northern Light Health Board of Directors, employees, and members of our community When I was selected as president and CEO of Northern Light Health in April, our health delivery system, like many across the nation, was facing one of the most historic medical challenges of our modern time. Although COVID-19 brought incredible challenges, it also reaffirmed the resiliency, compassion, and strength of Mainers—especially those on the Northern Light Health team. While this global pandemic captured our attention (and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future), we remain committed to our vision to be a national leader in healthcare excellence. At the beginning of my tenure, I outlined a recipe for success in achieving this vision with 12 key components, which you can find at the end of this report. We have already realized exceptional progress in areas such as telehealth, access, population health, and quality while also fostering a culture of caring that will set Northern Light Health apart as a proactive leader in protecting and promoting the rights and equality of all. This progress report captures in brief the enormous amount of work that in the past six months was completed, underway, or ready to launch. I am so impressed with the work your Northern Light Health team does to care for the people of Maine every day. I hope you will be too.
Tim Dentry President & CEO
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